Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 11/25/22

Year: 2022



Gazetecilik ve Medya Çalışmaları, Medya Araştırmaları, İletişim Kuramları, İletişim Sosyolojisi, Toplumsal Cinsiyet

ILEF Dergisi is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of communication research and media studies. It seeks to reflect the variety of intellectual traditions and multidisciplinary approaches to provide a free and critical platform for scholars. It is an open access journal, published biannually both in printed and on-line versions by Faculty of Communication at Ankara University; the oldest institute in the field of communication in Turkey and in the surrounding region.

ILEF Dergisi encourages contributions in areas such as the conjunctions of class, gender, ethnicity and sexuality in audiovisual culture, conventional and new medias, histories and theories of journalism, film, television, video, and digital media; and politically engaged approaches to a range of media practices.

Submission Rules & Publishing Process

  1. The submitted manuscript is assessed by the journal editor for an initial decision. If the manuscript is regarded as suitable for the journal, then it is sent to two peer-reviewers competent in the relevant field of study, providing the anonymity of the author.
  2. Peer-reviews are archived for two years. If only one of the peer-reviews are positive, the manuscript can be sent to a third peer-reviewer, or a final decision can be made by the editorial board regarding the peer-reviews.
  3. The manuscript should be no more than 8000 words including the citations and the bibliography.
  4. An abstract consisting of at most 150 words and 5 keywords in English and Turkish should also be provided with the manuscript.
  5. A short biography and the contact information of the author should also be submitted.
  6. Any indication that could expose the identity of the author should be avoided.
  7. Submissions should be attached to a mail including the name of the author, the name of the article and a one-sentence summary of the manuscript.
  8. For further communication please contact editor@ilefdergisi.org and ilefjournal@gmail.com.
  9. All citations should be made using Chicago-Style 17th Edition:http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html.
  10. The titles and section-headings in the manuscript should be brief and clear.
  11. The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt with double-spacing. The endnotes should be in Times New Roman, 9 pt with single-spacing. The manuscript should be sent in .doc or .docx formatted files.
  12. The main title of the manuscript should be written in capital bold letters. The section-headings should be written in bold letters with only the first letters of the words capitalized.
  13. If quotations have more than 40 words, a block quotation should be used. The quotation should begin on a new line and it should be indent 1 cm. from the left margin. The entire quotation should be 11pt with single-spacing.
  14. The source should be indicated below the cited table/figure.
  15. The author is asked for a final approval prior to publication.
  16. A printed copy of the journal is sent to authors.
  17. Manuscripts that do not comply with these requirements can be accepted for evaluation only after necessary changes are made.
  18. İLEF Dergisi does not charge submissions and article processing.

İLEF Dergisi Ethical Principles and Publishing Policy

İLEF Dergisi is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of communication research and media studies. It seeks to reflect the variety of intellectual traditions and multidisciplinary approaches to provide a free and critical platform for scholars. ILEF Dergisi encourages contributions in areas such as the conjunctions of class, gender, ethnicity and sexuality in audiovisual culture, conventional and new medias, histories and theories of journalism, film, television, video, and digital media; and politically engaged approaches to a range of media practices. 

It is an open access journal, published biannually both in printed and on-line versions by Faculty of Communication at Ankara University; the oldest institute in the field of communication in Turkey and in the surrounding region.  İlef Dergisi adheres to the following ethical principles and publication policy, formulated based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Directive, which can be found on https://publicationethics.org/.

İLEF Dergisi does not demand a submission or a publication fee.

Publisher's Responsibilities

İLEF Dergisi is published by Ankara University Faculty of Communication (İLEF). The editor-in-chief and ownership status is held by the faculty dean in the name of İLEF.

The editorial board of the journal is composed of members put forth by the departments in İLEF in every two years. The editors have absolute editorial independence with respect to Ankara University.

Ankara University Faculty of Communication publicizes and distributes İLEF Dergisi; and protects the printed versions and the intellectual property rights of authors and partners in publishing.

Review and Publication Process

İLEF Dergisi accepts submissions and carries out reviewing process in an ongoing basis.  There is no deadline for submissions except for themed special issues. 

The submitted manuscripts are initially screened by the editorial board in order to determine whether the manuscript is appropriate for the aim and scope of Ilef Dergisi and whether it displays potential for quality academic publication. Manuscripts that pass this initial screening process are sent out for peer-review. Manuscripts that are accepted at the end of the review process are published in the forthcoming issue. According to the resolution of the Editorial Board, 5 to 7 articles at most can be published in each issue. In the case that the number of accepted manuscripts exceed this limit, the publication of the most recently accepted manuscripts are postponed to the following issue.

İLEF Dergisi accepts submissions via two e-mail addresses; editor@ilefdergisi.org and ilefjournal@gmail.com

Revision and Withdrawal Processes

Revisions may be demanded from the manuscripts submitted to İLEF Dergisi by the editor or the reviewers.  The authors comply with the revision demands as they see fit.  The authors are asked to account for the revisions they choose not to make.

The authors have the right to withdraw their submissions at any point of the publication process.

Authors' Responsibilities

The texts/works submitted to ILEF Journal must not contain plagiarism and must be original.
Author(s) should cite the sources they use in their studies in line with ethical principles and the format of the journal.
It should be noted that the presented study has not been published in any other medium before and that it should not be applied to more than one medium with the same study.
Author(s) should avoid using a sexist and discriminatory language.
Any potential or apparent conflict of interest, including funds and grants received, must be disclosed.
Works/texts must not violate the privacy and intellectual property rights of a third party.
The author(s) should document the usage rights of the data they employ in their studies, the necessary permissions related to it, and the consent of the participants on whom they have researched, to submit, if requested.
In the following cases, the author(s) should obtain permission from the ethics committee:
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
the use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
clinical studies on humans,
animal studies,
retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law,

It must be stated by authors that an “informed consent form” was acquired in representation of any research data,
Obtaining and specifying permission for the use of properties belong to third parties, such as use of scales, questionnaires, photographs, and any other materials,
It should be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Ethics committee approval is not requested from the author(s) for a review article.
Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that were published before 2020, produced from master's/doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), applied for publication to the journal in the previous year, and accepted but not yet published.
If the author(s) is not a university member, they can apply to the ethics committees in their region.
In articles to be published in journals, it should be stated whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required. If these permissions are required, the decision of the board; The name, date and number of the board should be stated in the relevant part of the article in the form of footnotes. In addition, the document showing the decision of the ethics committee should be submitted to the ILEF Journal together with the candidate study.
Raw data about their work can be requested from the author(s) during the evaluation process, for such a case, the author(s) should be ready to submit the raw data at the stage when they submit the study to İLEF Journal. In addition, in case the study is published, the author(s) are obliged to keep the data related to the article for five years.
The author(s) are obliged to indicate all the people who contributed to their work; Individuals who have contributed significantly to the work should be listed as co-authors, and the author(s) must have obtained the consent of all co-author(s) for the work to be submitted.
Copyright Transfer Form must be filled in by the responsible author and submitted with the work.
Articles produced on the basis of one or more chapters of a Master's or DR thesis are expected to have a single author.
The author(s) should indicate if an old version of the work/text has been published elsewhere.
All illustrations, quotations, tables and images that exceed the "fair use principle" defined by the current copyright law must be authorized by the author(s).
It cannot be proposed to change the author liability of the studies included in the evaluation process (removing, adding or changing the order of authors).
In case of a conflict of interest, ethical violation or error is detected in a study in the evaluation process, the author(s) should share the issue with the editor; must show the necessary sensitivity for correction or retraction.

Editors' Responsibilities

The editors are obliged to conduct the review and publication process of each study submitted for evaluation within the framework of the ILEF Journal's Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

Editors are responsible for every text they publish and the sole responsibility for accepting or rejecting a text belongs to the editors. Editors can meet with referees or members of the editorial board when they make a decision about the publication process. Texts are considered and accepted according to their academic merits.
The editors act with an effort to continuously improve İLEF Journal and increase its publication qualities.
Editors show the necessary sensitivity in order to provide the necessary critical discussion environment in the field of communication and media studies.
No one from the editors and editorial staff can disclose about the submitted text, except in consultation with the relevant author, referees, potential referees, other editorial consultants, and the publisher.
Each text should be treated impartially; texts should be valued regardless of the author's gender, political views, seniority, and institutional affiliations.
Editors are obliged to take the necessary precautions in cases such as violation of intellectual property rights, actions that are not in accordance with scientific ethics, and plagiarism during the publication process.
The relationship between the editors and the publisher is based on the principle of independence. Every decision taken by the editors is independent of the publisher, other people and organizations.
Editors carry out publishing activities by putting the public interest in the centre instead of personal gain and interests.
Papers submitted by authors who have a conflict of interest with editors are reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board. Work submitted by members of the Editorial Board is submitted for review by an assistant or guest editor to ensure an appropriate and fair process.
At least one referee of each article must have no affiliation with ILEF. ILEF members should not evaluate work submitted by faculty colleagues.

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